My Comment Policy

It has been such a blessing to “meet” new friends, and reconnect with old ones through this site.  I love the community and the friendship – being challenged, sharpened, and encouraged by others of like mind and faith, from across the country…and, in some cases, around the world!
If this is your first time visiting, please feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or comment on something I have written, if you are so inclined!  I love comments, but, I do moderate first-time comments.  If you have not left a comment before, please be patient.  Assuming your comment falls within the parameters outlined below, it should appear on the site shortly. If, after a reasonable length of time, it still has not appeared, and you have questions about why, please feel free to e-mail me. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner – as the duties of a stay-at-home wife and mommy allow.

That being said…

Yes, I am a stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mom, and I do write about both.  However, as my friend Jules says, I am not always the “typical, innocuous wall-flower mommy-blogger.”  I have strong convictions and opinions – about everything, mommyhood included.  And, I am not afraid to share them.  However, I am learning that in the blogging world (or anywhere else for that matter), expressing them can often lead to debates, arguments, harsh words, and in some cases, decidedly un-Christ-like behavior.  I would like to avoid that on this site.

So, please consider these my guidelines for participation in any and all discussions here:

  1. This is my blog. You are an invited and welcome guest. You are certainly entitled to your own opinions and views. But, just as I would hope you would behave if you were a guest in my living room, regardless of your personal beliefs, any and all discussions on this site are to be kept civil, respectful, and honoring to the Lord at all times. No exceptions.
  2. I value feedback on what I have written.  I do read and consider each comment – both positive and critical.  Disagreeing with something I write will not necessarily prevent a comment from being posted.  However, if you feel the need to disagree, please do so kindly and respectfully.
  3. Honest questions and concerns are welcome and will be treated with due respect.  But, please, do not use my comments section as a platform to further your own personal agenda.  There are many free sites which offer you the opportunity to start your own blog, and you may write whatever you wish – there.
  4. The comments are a public forum, and in an effort to present ideas, opinions, or convictions that are biblically accurate, I will address what I believe to be incorrect, or unsound, theology and doctrine. However, my online time is limited, and I will not engage in lengthy arguments, or debates.
  5. If, for whatever reason, you just dislike me personally, or simply cannot stand to read what I say, how I say it, or why I say it, then you always have the option of clicking the little red X in the corner of your screen. Feel free to use it.
  6. And finally, I reserve the right to edit, modify, or delete any comments that I deem to be offensive, inappropriate, or disrespectful.  I will block users who repeatedly attempt to post comments that do not meet with these guidelines.


  1. […] for adoption.  You may notice that none of them have been published.  As I also said in my Comment Policy, I reserve the right to edit, delete, or reject any comments that I deem to be offensive, […]

  2. Kim

    I just wanted to say a friendly hello! I just discovered your lovely little blog corner and I love it!! Please feel free to visit me over at my new place Living Holy Joy… Also, I liked you over on FB. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!!! Blessings, Kim.

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