Mommyhood, Thinking Biblically, Traditions & Celebrations

October 31st

Whether you “celebrate” (and please understand, I use that term very loosely!) Halloween, observe Reformation Day, or ignore it all together, I know that people have very different and very strong opinions about this day.   Growing up, Halloween was never a big deal. I am not, nor was I ever, much of a candy eater (dark chocolate excepted), so …

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Homeschooling, Mommyhood, Thinking Biblically

Of Speeches and Students

Tomorrow, President Obama is scheduled to speak to the nation’s school children.  This speech has not yet taken place, and already Christians are lining up on both sides of the argument, ready to battle and accuse one another because of it.   I have been surprised at the reactions, the harsh words, accusations, and demands coming from both sides of …

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Miscarriage, Mommy of One, Mommyhood, Secondary Infertility, Thinking Biblically

What Is A Full Quiver?

The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing; but in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture. Something is wrong indeed! Over the past year or so, I have started to come across more and more people – families – who would align with, or define themselves as “Quiverfull.”  …

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