Quotes, Thinking Biblically

As On The Brink of Eternity

2010 is only hours old and, as I do at the beginning of each new year, I have already seen many people expressing hope and anticipation that this might be the year of our Lord’s return.  (Just as a little aside, wouldn’t that be amazing?!?!)  . Although the whole prayer is quite appropriate for today, there is one line that caught my attention this morning.  …

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Homeschooling, Quotes

Food for Thought

“We should allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and ‘spiritual’ life of children; but should teach them that the divine Spirit has constant access to their spirits, and is their continual helper in all the interests, duties and joys of life.”   ~Charlotte Mason (as quoted in For the Children’s Sake, by Susan Schaeffer  Macaulay, pg. 64)

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“God never reveals our hearts to discourage us.  Convicting us of sin is one of the most profound ways he demonstrates his love for us.  He is committed to completing his work in us.  He will not allow us to live with hearts that are enslaved.  He works in every situation so that we would know the freedom his death purchased …

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