Biblical Womanhood, Life in Ministry, Quotes, The Lord's Day, Thinking Biblically


. “…I cannot read the Bible without desiring to see many believers more spiritual, more holy, more single-eyed, more heavenly-minded, more wholehearted than they are in the nineteenth century.  I want to see among believers more of a pilgrim spirit, a more decided separation from the world, a conversation more evidently in heaven, a closer walk with God….”  ~J.C. Ryle, …

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Quotes, The Lord's Day


“Our Lord attracted sinners because He was different.  They drew near to Him because they felt that there was something different about Him….And the world always expects us to be different.  This idea that you are going to win people to the Christian faith by showing them that after all you are remarkably like them, is theologically and psychologically a …

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Biblical Womanhood, Quotes, Thinking Biblically


“I have had a deep conviction for many years that practical holiness and entire self-consecration to God are not sufficiently attended to by modern Christians in this country.  Politics, or controversy, or party spirit, or worldliness have eaten out the heart of lively piety in too many of us.  The subject of personal godliness has fallen sadly into the background.  …

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The Week In Words

.a. From Unfashionable, by Tullian Tchividjian: “The real tragedy here is that when professing Christians discard the Bible, they’re largely prevented from making a lasting difference in the world.  Why?  Because their standard is no different from the world’s.  Making that difference requires us to think and live differently than the world does, and the Bible alone – as revealed …

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