Biblical Womanhood, Homemaking, Life in Ministry, Mommyhood

When Life Happens

The laundry piles (clean and dirty) are beginning to take over, and it is becoming a challenge to find something presentable to wear.  The dishes are threatening a mutiny in the kitchen!  And, there really isn’t room to walk in the play room, or Hannah’s bedroom (do so at your own risk!) – with all of the toys, books, crayons, …

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Giving Thanks, Mommyhood


We have had beautiful weather this past week.  Actually, I could rephrase that, and just say we have had “weather” this past week!  I know, I know, many people move to Arizona because it is (almost) always sunny.  But, I have to tell you, the rain has been a welcome change from the constant sunny weather forecasts…at least for this (now transplanted) …

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