About a year ago, I picked up Martha Peace’s book, Damsels in Distress: Biblical Solutions for Problems Women Face. And, I recently revisited it with my accountability group. In her characteristic straightforward style, Martha Peace deals with several common problems and temptations that women face: Gossip, Idolatrous Emotional Attachments, Manipulation, Hurt Feelings, Vanity, PMS, Legalism, Feminism, The Role of Women …
Book Review: Shopping for Time
I recently finished the new book, Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and NOT Be Overwhelmed, by Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Whitacre, Kristin Chesemore, and Janelle Bradshaw. I’ve been reading their blog for a few years, and though I often find myself relating more specifically to the writing and experiences of one of the ladies more than the others, …
Book Review: Respectable Sins
“Sin is sin. Even those sins that I call ‘the acceptable sins of the saints’–those sins that we tolerate in our lives–are serious in God’s eyes. Our religious pride, our critical attitudes, our unkind speech about others, our impatience and anger, even our anxiety (see Philippians 4:6); all of these are serious in the sight of God.†(pg. 21) In his …
Book Review: Choices that Lead to Godliness
Over the last 3 months, I have been reading Donna Morley’s book, Choices That Lead to Godliness, with my girls’ accountability group. We read one chapter each week, and then discuss what we had read, and what we were learning. I tend to go through books fairly quickly, so, for me, 3 months was a long time to spend in …
Book Review: Precious in His Sight
“God’s will for your life and mine is found in 1 Peter 3:4. We are to do whatever is necessary to cultivate ‘the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God’ (NASB).â€Â (pg. 9) So begins Pat Ennis’ book, Precious in His Sight: The Fine …