Happy 5th Birthday, Titus! My sweet boy, I can hardly believe you are already 5! How is that even possible? I love how you can be all boy one minute…loudly running, growling, crashing, stomping, climbing. And then you are a sweet, perfect little gentleman the next…helping me carry groceries, offering to vacuum the stairs, quietly reading a book, or offering …
Watching History
This morning, we watched the Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States. As we do every 4 years, we watched history being made. I have watched every Presidential Inauguration of my adult life (in addition to several before I was of legal voting age). And, since becoming a mom, my children have watched with me. I am not …
2017 Reading Goals
Last year, I posted a list of 12 books that I wanted to read over the course of 2016. Twelve. There was a time, in the not too distant past, when I could have easily read 12 books in a single month. But, at the beginning of last year, the challenge of reading just one book a month seemed like …
Christmas Day
Christmas is my favorite holiday. I took hundreds of pictures. Yes. Hundreds…with an s. But, I won’t subject you to all of them (unless we’re friends on Facebook, then you’ve already seen them all!). Here is just a little glimpse of our day… Before…complete with Christmas music and a fire in our TV fireplace. We started out the morning opening stockings… Then, …
Christmas Eve
I love letting the kids each open a gift on Christmas Eve… I love these kids! Everyone with their Christmas Eve gift. By now, Hannah and Titus have figured out that they’re getting pajamas. But, that’s just part of the fun, in my opinion. This year, Hannah insisted that Daddy needed new Christmas jammies too! Rebekah & Rachel got matching Minnie …