Biblical Womanhood, Book Reviews, Currently Reading, Life, Mommyhood, Thinking Biblically

A Wonderfully Made Giveaway!

If you follow me on Facebook, or Instagram, then you may have seen my recent posts about an incredible new resource, Wonderfully Made, by my friend, Danika Cooley. With each of my children, I have been fascinated by the process of their development…both during my pregnancies and after their births! I read everything I could find about what they looked like, and what big changes were taking …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life in Ministry, Photography, Rachel Susannah, Rebekah Ann, The Lord's Day, Titus Ryle, Traditions & Celebrations

Resurrection Sunday

We had a lovely day celebrating the resurrection of our Savior with… Special Music Biblical Preaching, from my favorite preacher! Although, I have no pictures of that. Believer’s Baptism! A perfect picture of our Savior’s death, burial, and resurrection! And…Fellowship! Friends: Sophia & Rebekah I wish I had been able to get more pictures of our friends. We love our church family! …

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Birthdays, Life, Mommyhood, Rachel Susannah, Traditions & Celebrations

Our Little Lady Turned ONE!

We celebrated with a Ladybug-themed party! and some sweet friends from church… And, just between our two families, we had 8 kids at this party! Present time! I have never seen a one-year-old so into opening gifts. This girl thoroughly enjoyed herself. And she had plenty of willing helpers…and toy testers! It’s a lamb. Her name means “ewe.” Appropriate, no? This card… Hannah …

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