Traditions & Celebrations

Happy Father’s Day!

To the Fathers in my life… My Dad: Hannah & Grandpa @ Disneyland (April 2008) My Fathers-in-law: Grandpa Whitley, Hannah, & Daddy (April 2008) Hannah (8 months) dancing with Grampy Tarbell (Jan. 2006) And, of course…Hannah’s Daddy: Jason (and my dad) are at the Resolved Conference this weekend! So, we celebrated an early Father’s Day on Thursday, before he left.  We love …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Mommyhood, Traditions & Celebrations

First Day of (Sunday) School

Last Sunday was Hannah’s last day in the nursery.  This week she officially started Sunday School!!  Because she handles change about as well as her mommy , we have been talking about this all week, and trying to prepare her for it.  The child who hated, no exaggeration, the nursery just a year ago, and would sob hysterically at the mere thought, was now in …

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Traditions & Celebrations

Welcome to the World!

Congratulations to my friends Dave and Sheri (and big sister, Kate)  who welcomed their son and brother Bryce David into the world last week (April 8th)!   “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,    the fruit of the womb a reward.” ~Psalm 127:3~ —————— Today, Hannah and I took them dinner, and we got to meet and hold little Bryce.  He …

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