Hannah, I thank the Lord everyday for giving you to us! You are growing up so quickly! And, I have loved watching you this past year, as you have continued to grow into a helpful, caring, little girl. I still consider it an amazing privilege to be your mommy. You know, I always wanted to be a mom, but I had no …
Christmas Morning
  Just a few highlights… Christmas morning at Grandpa & Grandma’s. (Hannah woke up Grandma & Grandpa bright and early…and loudly. ) Auntie Jo spent the night on Christmas Eve! Making cappuccinos with Grandpa. This is one of Hannah’s favorite activities at Grandpa’s house, and probably part of the reason she has been asking for a “Take A Break …
Wakefield Winter Wonderland 2008
Just filling in the gaps…Like I said I would. We had such a great time last year, we decided to continue the tradition! Last night, we bundled up, against California’s cold winter weather , and headed out to look at the Christmas light display in a local neighborhood with our dear friends, the Stimsons and the Hamblins. It’s beginning to look alot …
Among Friends
We had a wonderful time last night at our Sunday School class Christmas party!  Among Friends – Christmas Party 2008  We will miss you all!!!
  ——— The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. ~Psalm 16:5-6~ ——— Â