How is she already 11?! Even though this girl is growing up far too quickly for her mama’s liking, she has grown into the sweetest, most creative, joyful 11-year-old I know. Hannah, you continue to amaze me with your talents, your joy, your creativity, and your genuine love and care for others. You are the best big sister. And, I …
Our Little Lady Turned ONE!
We celebrated with a Ladybug-themed party! and some sweet friends from church… And, just between our two families, we had 8 kids at this party! Present time! I have never seen a one-year-old so into opening gifts. This girl thoroughly enjoyed herself. And she had plenty of willing helpers…and toy testers! It’s a lamb. Her name means “ewe.” Appropriate, no? This card… Hannah …
Happy 1st Birthday, Rachel!
I can hardly believe it has been a whole year since you joined our family. At times, it’s odd. You remind me so much of your oldest sister…the way you look, your favorite foods, your easy-going personality, and even your utter hatred for diaper changes! (But, being like Hannah isn’t a bad thing. Not at all. I am so …
Titus’ 4th Birthday Party
Our boy turned 4 years old! So, we celebrated with a Monster Truck party! My children have very specific ideas about their birthday cakes. And, while my cake decorating ability is (very) limited, I try to comply whenever possible. This year was no different. The birthday boy wanted chocolate cake and vanilla frosting…and monster trucks. So, I did what any self-respecting, …
Happy 4th Birthday, Titus!
My boy is 4! You have changed so much this year. You have gone from a toddler to a real “big kid” now. (Pull-Ups’ reference intended.) You have introduced me to superheroes and monster trucks…and the incredible array of noises and heart-stopping crashes that go with them. The things I never thought I would be interested in… Somehow, I find them …