Category: Traditions & Celebrations
Homemaking, Mommyhood, Recipes, Traditions & Celebrations
I don’t know where the original recipe, or idea came from. I have seen them online – on blogs, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram – for years. And, last year, my youngest had just turned 4, I finally decided to try making “Resurrection Rolls” with the kids. All of the recipes called for canned crescent rolls…and despite making a special trip to the …
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Life in Ministry, Pastor's Wife, The Lord's Day, Traditions & Celebrations
“For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be …
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Christmas, Life, Mommyhood, Traditions & Celebrations
…this baby made the angels sing, And this baby made a new star shine in the sky. This baby had come to change the world. This baby was God’s own son, this baby was like no other one. This baby was God with us, this baby was Jesus. ~Steven Curtis Chapman, This Baby  *** It’s no secret. I love Christmas! I …
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Christmas, Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood, Rachel Susannah, Rebekah Ann, Titus Ryle, Traditions & Celebrations
Each year, we let the kids each open one gift on Christmas Eve. I think by now they have all realized that they are getting new pajamas. But, in my opinion, that is just part of the fun…and the tradition! Here they are opening their “Christmas Jammies.” Hannah got a Fox. Titus got Dinosaurs. Rebekah got Ballerinas. And, Rachel got …
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Children in Church, Christmas, Life in Ministry, Pastor's Wife, The Lord's Day, Traditions & Celebrations
I love when Christmas, or Christmas Eve, falls on Sunday. Here we are…all ready for church on Christmas Eve morning! We have a wonderful church family! It was a sweet blessing to spend the morning worshipping, and celebrating the birth of our Savior together. We have some very talented musicians in our church! And, they all did a wonderful job. …
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