. Proof that, yes, I do know how to laugh at myself. . HT: Remissioned
Ultimate Blog Party 2010
Welcome to A Quiet Heart! I am so glad you stopped by! . . Although I have been in bloggy-land for a while, this is the first time I have participated in 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party!  I’ve never really been much of a “party†girl…so could we just pretend we are chatting over a cup of coffee (or, …
Beautiful Blogger Award
Cheryl, at Adventures of a Somewhat Crunchy Mama, has given me my very first blog award: The Beautiful Blogger Award. . . I am still amazed that people actually take time to read what I write…even more amazed when they actually like it. It is humbling. But, I appreciate the encouragement that comes with each comment (online, and in real life) and e-mail… …
Blizzard Bloghop 2010
Welcome to A Quiet Heart! I’m so glad you stopped by. My name is Veronica. Please, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get to know each other… . Ann Marie, of Household 6 Diva, is hosting a Blizzard Bloghop. Right now, the outside temperature is hovering around 65, and snow is definitely not in the forecast. This is as …