I have seen posts about, and links to Katrina’s Spring Reading Thing in the past, but I’m usually a little too late to join in the fun. Although I did not realize that spring was upon us (with the way the newscasters here are super excited about the first 90-degree day of the year – you’d think we were well on …
What’s On Your Nightstand?
My nightstand actually is a bookcase (a small one, but, still…). The funny thing is, I rarely read in bed. But, for some reason, that is where my current reading list lives.  So, when I first saw this meme, from 5 Minutes for Books, a few months ago, I was eager to participate. But, it was not an option at …
Book Review: Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America
It is no secret that modesty is one of my “pet†issues – my proverbial soapbox. And, it will probably come as no surprise that a book on that topic has been on my Amazon wish list for months. But, I was only recently able to get my hands on it! Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America, by …
Book Review: Do Hard Things
I tend to have high standards and high expectations – both for myself and for those around me. And, I have been told that my standards are too high, and my expectations are unreasonable. Maybe they are. Or, maybe society’s expectations are too low… When I first heard about Alex and Brett Harris’ book Do Hard Things, I was intrigued. …
Book Review: Damsels in Distress
About a year ago, I picked up Martha Peace’s book, Damsels in Distress: Biblical Solutions for Problems Women Face. And, I recently revisited it with my accountability group. In her characteristic straightforward style, Martha Peace deals with several common problems and temptations that women face: Gossip, Idolatrous Emotional Attachments, Manipulation, Hurt Feelings, Vanity, PMS, Legalism, Feminism, The Role of Women …