It is, once again, time for “What’s On Your Nightstand?” over at 5 Minutes for Books… All of these are still in the “to be read” category. Did I ever show you what my sweet husband brought me from his trip to the Shepherds’ Conference last month? J.C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on John! All. Three. Volumes. I can’t wait to …
And The Winner Is…
I used to choose a winner for the e-book, How My Soul Yearns, by Ashley Wells. . . And, the winner is: . . Mindy! . I have forwarded your e-mail address to Ashley, and she will be sending you the information need to get your e-book! .
Book Review (and Giveaway!): How My Soul Yearns
Infertility is something that can affect you at a core level; as women we were created specifically with the ability to produce life within our bodies. Not being able to create life can have very damaging effects for women because of this created order. However, there is hope through Christ. The hope that Christ has to offer is for …
What’s On Your Nightstand? {August}
. On my nightstand this month: . (In comparison to other months, this is actually a somewhat abbreviated list.  Especially when you consider the fact that I have already finished two of them, and, aside from my Bible reading, I’ve just barely started the others.) . The Bible (ESV) – I am continuing with Professor Grant Horner’s Reading System.  With a …
Book Review: The Family Daughter
“Though the World expects the twenty-first century girl to move out of her father’s house and support herself with a career, as Christians we must look to the principles found in God’s Word. Only when we are following God’s plan will we truly find peace, knowing we are in His will. His plan for us is a joyous, stimulating, and …