Hannah Elisabeth, Mommyhood

What Not To Wear

So, I’m thinking about signing Hannah up for the show, ”What Not To Wear.”  (Do they have a toddler version?)  Thanks to her grandparents, and some very generous friends, she has more cute outfits than any kid I know!  But… At 22-months-old, I let Hannah pick out her own clothes this afternoon.  (She spilled juice on her original outfit after her nap.)  I was …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life

Winter Has Arrived

For the past few days, every newscast has been talking about the “Arctic Blast” that has hit Southern California.  Yes, I am aware that Southern Californians are generally considered wimps by the rest of the country when it comes to cold weather – and we are – but you have to admit that it is cold out there when there is ice in the gutters, on the sidewalks and lawns, and frost …

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Hannah Elisabeth


I love talking with my daughter.  Yes, I said talking with her, not to her.  At 20 months, she actually talks back!  (In a good way!)  It just cracks me up to listen to her chatter away…and to hear some of the things that come out of her mouth!  Over the last few months, I’ve been thinking that I really …

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