Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood

Potty Time

This past week (and probably much of the week to come) has been spent in “hard-core” potty training.  Things are going well.  For the past several months I have been able to say that Hannah is mostly potty-trained.  Meaning, she can tell me when she needs to go (#1), and keeps her pants dry all day (usually including naps, and sometimes even overnight!).  …

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Hannah Elisabeth

New Hannah-isms!

This one is mostly for the grandparents…Enjoy!         A few new Hannah-isms for your reading pleasure:   “That’s the best thing ever I’ve seen!”  (I don’t know where this one came from, but it’s pretty cute!) Usually in response to naptime or bedtime: “I ‘fraid not, Mommy.  I ‘fraid not.” While playing outside with daddy: “Hi Mr. Birdie!  I’m Hannah, …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life

Grandpa Whitley

On Friday, “Grandpa Whitley,” as Hannah calls him, was in town on business.  He was actually in San Diego, but, when you’re coming from Texas, that’s close enough!  Since he was so close, he decided to drive up to spend the day with us! We spent the afternoon at…the mall!  I know, not so exciting, but…there was lots of fun stuff to …

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