These pictures sum it up pretty well…Titus is a busy boy!! He (finally) started crawling this month! And, shortly after mastering that skill…he started pulling himself up!! Life just became a whole lot busier! Sleep is still somewhat optional for my little insomniac. But, I can’t complain. He comes by it naturally. (Yes, he gets it from his mama.) But, …
Titus Ryle: 9 Months Old
At 9 Months: Weight: 20 pounds, 1/2 ounce (50th percentile) Height: 30 inches (90th percentile) Yes, I have long, skinny babies. (His big sister was the same way…although she has never been anywhere near the 50th percentile in weight!) Titus hit what had to be his 9-month growth spurt…and “celebrated” turning 9 months by reverting to his newborn eating patterns…every hour, on the …
Titus Ryle: 8 Months Old
Our boy is 8 months old!! He has 4 teeth…which have all appeared over the past month. A random little fun fact: His teeth have all come in the exact reverse order in which his sister has lost them! (Okay, so maybe I am the only one who finds that interesting.) He said “Dada!” That is pretty much his “word” for everything right …
Titus Ryle: 7 Months
Here are his current stats (Well, current as of his 6 1/2 month check-up):Weight: 18 pounds (60th percentile) Height: 27 inches (55th percentile) It is so amazing to look back and see how much he has changed…over the last several months, of course. But, he has grown and changed so much in just the past few weeks as well!  At 6 …
Family Resemblance
People are always asking me if Hannah and Titus look alike… What do you think?