Biblical Womanhood, Life in Ministry, Marriage, Miscarriage, Mommyhood, Thinking Biblically

Momentary Light Affliction

This blog is (or, perhaps has been) my attempt to encourage and challenge primarily myself, but other women as well, to view every area and event of life through the lens of Scripture. And to be joyfully content as we recognize God’s undeserved grace, mercy, and sovereign care in the big, unexpected joys, as well as in the difficult trials, …

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Life, Miscarriage, Mommyhood

Sad News

Just a few weeks ago, we announced that we were expecting another little one. On Wednesday afternoon, we went to my OB’s office for what was supposed to be a “pregnancy confirmation” appointment. Of course, in my mind, I received that confirmation over a month ago, courtesy of a home pregnancy test. I was almost 10 weeks along. But, this …

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Miscarriage, Mommy of One, Mommyhood, Secondary Infertility, Thinking Biblically

What Is A Full Quiver?

The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing; but in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture. Something is wrong indeed! Over the past year or so, I have started to come across more and more people – families – who would align with, or define themselves as “Quiverfull.”  …

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