Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood

Potty Time

This past week (and probably much of the week to come) has been spent in “hard-core” potty training.  Things are going well.  For the past several months I have been able to say that Hannah is mostly potty-trained.  Meaning, she can tell me when she needs to go (#1), and keeps her pants dry all day (usually including naps, and sometimes even overnight!).  …

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Hannah Elisabeth

New Hannah-isms!

This one is mostly for the grandparents…Enjoy!         A few new Hannah-isms for your reading pleasure:   “That’s the best thing ever I’ve seen!”  (I don’t know where this one came from, but it’s pretty cute!) Usually in response to naptime or bedtime: “I ‘fraid not, Mommy.  I ‘fraid not.” While playing outside with daddy: “Hi Mr. Birdie!  I’m Hannah, …

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