Hannah Elisabeth, Traditions & Celebrations

Limited, Non-Compromising Participation

“Happy Halloween!” “Happy Reformation Day!” or “We don’t do that.”  I’ve heard them all.  In college, the “Reformation Day” greeting was quite popular…but I rarely hear it anymore.  Recently, I’ve been noticing some very different opinions about this holiday.  I am surprised to see just how strongly some people feel about it – both good and bad.  For me, Halloween was always one of …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood

Why Hannah Doesn’t Sleep

Okay, so maybe that’s not the real reason…It was just a good excuse to post a cute picture. The real reason is yet another “big girl” milestone…  We have officially given up the afternoon nap, and transitioned to something we are (rather erroneously) calling “quiet time.”  (Of course, I reserve the right to reinstitute naptime when it is needed!)  The …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood

Conversations with Hannah

It’s been a while since my last “Hannah-isms” post…so I thought I’d share the most recent additions to the collection… Last night at dinner: Hannah surprised us all by announcing, “I want a sister!” (And, no, as far as we know, she is not getting one anytime soon!!) This afternoon, while we were “playing stickers” (good old-fashioned ColorForms!), I asked Hannah a …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life

Big Girl Update

Hannah had her 2 (and 1/2) year check-up yesterday.  (Somehow, I completely missed setting up the appointment in April!)  If there was any doubt left in my mind as to whether I have a baby or a little girl, it was erased at the doctor’s office!  When they checked her height and weight, they did not use the “baby scale.”  They had …

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