“Happy Halloween!†“Happy Reformation Day!†or “We don’t do that.â€Â I’ve heard them all. In college, the “Reformation Day†greeting was quite popular…but I rarely hear it anymore. Recently, I’ve been noticing some very different opinions about this holiday. I am surprised to see just how strongly some people feel about it – both good and bad. For me, Halloween was always one of …
Why Hannah Doesn’t Sleep
Okay, so maybe that’s not the real reason…It was just a good excuse to post a cute picture. The real reason is yet another “big girl†milestone… We have officially given up the afternoon nap, and transitioned to something we are (rather erroneously) calling “quiet time.â€Â (Of course, I reserve the right to reinstitute naptime when it is needed!) The …
Conversations with Hannah
It’s been a while since my last “Hannah-isms†post…so I thought I’d share the most recent additions to the collection… Last night at dinner: Hannah surprised us all by announcing, “I want a sister!†(And, no, as far as we know, she is not getting one anytime soon!!) This afternoon, while we were “playing stickers†(good old-fashioned ColorForms!), I asked Hannah a …
Big Girl Update
Hannah had her 2 (and 1/2) year check-up yesterday. (Somehow, I completely missed setting up the appointment in April!) If there was any doubt left in my mind as to whether I have a baby or a little girl, it was erased at the doctor’s office! When they checked her height and weight, they did not use the “baby scale.â€Â They had …
Big Girl = Big Girl Bed
It’s official, there is no longer a baby in this house… Hannah finally made the switch from crib to toddler bed! Yes, I know she is almost 2 and ½…I have been putting it off as long as possible! Until yesterday, she really had not made any serious attempts at escaping the confines of her crib, and seemed fairly content …