(I know it is a little grainy, but it was getting dark, and I was trying to sneak a picture from upstairs, without being noticed…and interrupting all the fun. 🙂 )
Wordless Wednesdays: AWANA Awards
Awana Awards – April 29, 2009  Hannah & Her Cubbies Friends  Hannah Receiving her Hopper Book Award Â
Twice in Two Weeks?
So, for the second time in as many weeks, we spent a few hours at the local urgent care facility this weekend. 🙁  Hannah’s cough turned into an all-night affair on Saturday night. And, even with a few doses of cough medicine, I think it actually got worse as the night went on, not better!  We kept her home …
It’s Not Monday Anymore
Apparently, in my little world, it has been Monday all week!  Hannah came down with a (low) fever on Monday, which turned into a lovely little cold on Tuesday, which then morphed into a painful sounding cough by Tuesday evening…and has decided to stick around for the past few days. But, true to form, aside from her (adorably cute) congested voice and …