In my life this week… Well, of course, the highlight of the week was Monday! It has been a long time since that first ultrasound, and our little one has grown quite a bit! We enjoyed getting to “see†him (in utero), again, and can’t wait for the day that we get to hold this precious little one. It was …
Baby Bump: It’s A…
I’ve been told it’s time for another “baby bump” update… And, I have to agree! Especially since this time, I can even show you what who is causing that bump: And, the answer to the big question: It’s a BOY!!!!!! We are all thrilled, and can’t wait to meet him! He got a bit “camera shy” towards the end of our …
Baby Bump: 17 Weeks
Baby Bump: 17 weeks (So, it isn’t too much bigger than when I posted this…And you may still have to look really, really close… But, baby is growing, and making his/her presence known!) I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday to check on the little one, listen to the heartbeat, and generally make sure everything was going well. …
Baby’s First Picture
We had our first ultrasound yesterday… We got to see our little one. Â And we got to hear baby’s heartbeat!! Baby measured exactly where he/she was supposed to (8 weeks 3 days), confirming our due date of February 6th, 2012. We are praising the Lord, for this good report, and for this precious little life!!