Baby, Biblical Womanhood, Hannah Elisabeth, Homeschooling, Mommyhood

Weekly Wrap-Up: Week 3

In my life this week… Well, of course, the highlight of the week was Monday! It has been a long time since that first ultrasound, and our little one has grown quite a bit!  We enjoyed getting to “see” him (in utero), again, and can’t wait for the day that we get to hold this precious little one.  It was …

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Baby, Baby Bump, Life, Mommyhood, Traditions & Celebrations

Baby Bump: 17 Weeks

Baby Bump: 17 weeks (So, it isn’t too much bigger than when I posted this…And you may still have to look really, really close… But, baby is growing, and making his/her presence known!)   I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday to check on the little one, listen to the heartbeat, and generally make sure everything was going well.   …

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