You may have noticed (or not) that I have not been the most prolific blogger these past few weeks. (Am I ever?) It certainly isn’t for lack of activity! We have definitely been keeping busy around here. Â But, I have taken a bit of a break from blogging to focus on getting ready for the arrival of our boy!! Â As …
Showers of Blessings
{Click the collage to see more pictures from the shower.} The ladies at church threw a baby shower for our little boy yesterday!! (They even matched the decorations to the theme of his “nursery”!!) We are incredibly blessed…and still (more than) a little overwhelmed…by the kindness and generosity of our church family! Our little boy is definitely very well loved…already! Thank …
Counting Down!
Our little boy is due 1 month from today!! As far as the actual pregnancy itself, I have had it fairly easy. (The getting there…well, that’s another story.) And, I’ve generally felt pretty good the whole time. So, it really has gone by incredibly fast…at least from my perspective. We announced it fairly early, so I know to some, it …
Baby Bump: 34 Weeks
Assuming he comes “on time,” it will only be about 6 more weeks until we get to meet this little one! I guess it is time to start checking off that “things to do before baby comes” list! So much to do…and so excited to do it!!
Weekly Wrap-Up: Weeks 8 & 9
In my life last week… Since it has been a while, I’ll catch y’all up by starting with last week.  Let’s see… Last Sunday, I started spotting at 25 weeks of pregnancy…was put on 2 days of very limited activity…and had an emergency ultrasound (at the hospital) on Monday. (Looking on the bright side, we got to see our little boy …