Today was our “big” ultrasound! And, of course, the first order of business was to be sure (as much as is possible) that baby is healthy and developing properly. We saw the perfectly formed spine…2 little hands, and 2 little feet (which our ultrasound technician was kind enough to count for us!)…the brain (which was said to look “good…very good!”)…the “pretty” heart, with …
The BIG Sister! The Little BIG Brother!! And BABY Makes Three!!! Baby #3 is due to join our family sometime on, or around, October 7th, 2013!! ********* I am (almost) 10 weeks, and generally feeling pretty good. Around the 6 week mark, I was put on bedrest…and, that is pretty much where I have stayed for the better part of …
Titus Ryle Born: February 7, 2012, at 4:49 p.m. 7 pounds, 12 ounces 21 inches long “For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.” ~1 Samuel 1:27 {more pictures here}Â
Baby Boy’s Bedroom
His (estimated) due date is Monday!! But, as of my doctor’s appointment this afternoon, it seems like our little guy is perfectly content to stay right where he is for the time being… We do have  a nice little room ready and waiting for him… But, since he seems to have no interest in it right now, I thought I’d …
Status Report {February 2012}
{I am stealing borrowing this from Lisa.} Sitting… at my desk…that’s where the computer is! Drinking… (decaf!) coffee…with a little bit of York Peppermint Patty-flavored creamer…Mmm. Pretending… that my coffee is caffeinated, and hoping that helps me get through the rest of the afternoon with my eyes open!! (Sadly, I’m not that good at pretending.) Looking… out the back windows on a day that can’t …