As a mom of 4…well, soon to be 5, you might think that, by now, this whole pregnancy thing would be getting old and boring. Oh no! I still fill my phone with a variety of apps that entertain me with daily facts about my child’s size and developmental milestones. I still look at each grainy 8 week ultrasound picture …
Rachel Has Some BIG News!
Someone is going to be a BIG sister! *** Baby is due to join our family on, or around, Thanksgiving Day! We have so much to be thankful for! *** Please see update here.
It’s A…
Okay. I’ll admit it. I’m a “peeker.” I like that I can find out baby’s gender before he or she is born. I like using pronouns other than “it” to describe my child. Plus, I like to plan. I know that “gender reveal” parties are quite popular right now. But, just like waiting until baby is born to find out if …
Coming in March…
Yes, our family is growing once again! Baby #4 is due to join us on, or around, March 20, 2015!!! We are so excited, and can’t wait to meet this little one!!
Baby Bump: 20 Weeks
I know they say that time flies when you’re having fun…but this is a little ridiculous! I can hardly believe that we are already at the halfway point in this pregnancy. That just doesn’t seem possible! And, yet…here we are. Truth is, I am having fun. Hannah and Titus manage to keep me busy during the day. Even though school all over the country …