Meet My Family

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I am a pastor’s wife and homeschool mom. Both titles carry with them their own responsiblilites, expectations, and connotations.

But, I am wife and mom to my husband and my children first. 

In this season of life, my most important ministry is my family and my home.

And, I would love to introduce you to them…


We have different versions of exactly when it happened, but, the short version is this: We met in college.

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We were married in 2001.

When we got married, we made a commitment before God and to each other, to be in it “for better, or for worse.”  In other words, for life.

We are very different from each other…but we balance each other well.

He is easy-going…I am, well, not. He sees the big picture…I focus on the details.  He sees the glass as half-full…I see it as half-empty.  He is a people person…I am more task-oriented.  He is early-to-bed…I am a night owl.

We challenge each other, we sharpen each other, we encourage each other, and we learn from each other.  And, despite the differences…or maybe because of them…I can honestly say that I am married to my best friend.

I am so thankful to be married to a man who loves the Lord far more than he loves me. (Which means he loves me very well!) He loves people, is a diligent student of God’s Word, and works hard to lead, support, and disciple his family.

He is the pastor at our church…preaching, teaching, counseling, discipling. But, he also understands that “ministry” does not start only when he walks through the doors of the church.

I know I don’t deserve him…but I am so glad that he picked me!  It is an incredible and undeserved privilege to share life and ministry with this man!

Hannah Elisabeth

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She is in 10th grade this year. She plays the flute in a homeschool orchestra, and seems to be a natural. She is creative and artistic, and can almost always be found drawing pictures, or dreaming up stories. And, she loves being in the kitchen!

Titus Ryle

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He is 8 years old, and in 4th grade! He loves all things space…real or imagined. He spends his free time reading everything he can about space travel, black holes, and the planets in our solar system – especially Mars, and can tell you everything you never knew you wanted to know about Martian geography, and past missions to Mars. 

Rebekah Ann

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She is 7 years old. She is in 2nd grade, and just started gymnastics lessons. She loves to practice, and I often find her tumbling, stretching, or otherwise turning the house into her very own gym. This girl is our little sunshine. She finds joy in everything, and is our family encourager.

Rachel Susannah


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She is in 1st grade, and tries so hard to keep up with eveything her big brother and sisters do. She works hard in school, but her main goal is to get it over with so that she can play. She is absolutely hilarious, and loves to make people laugh.


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They’re my favorites.


{All photos by Rachel Marquez Photography}

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