Birthdays, Life, Mommyhood, Rachel Susannah, Traditions & Celebrations

Happy 2nd Birthday, Rachel!

2017_03_23Happy 2nd Birthday, Rachel!

The days are long (and the nights may have been even longer), but the years truly are short. You might be the baby of our family. But, you are definitely not a baby anymore.

You are so much fun! You love to make people laugh! And, your laugh is absolutely contagious! Even on the hardest, most exhausting days, your giggle can always make me smile. And, you still give the best hugs.

You love to play outside…especially if it involves the swings, water, or Rebekah’s bike. You love bath time! You love food! You love ice! You love kitties! You love going to visit Daddy at work!

Yes, you really do love just about everything!

You want to be just like your big brother and sisters. (And, I don’t blame you. They are pretty cool.) It is so cute to hear you say “I do school too!” Mostly, you just sit at the table and peel the papers off of the crayons while your big brother and sister are working on their lessons. But, you are listening. And, I am always amazed at what you pick up while you sit there with us.

You are such a happy little girl…with only one big exception. You get quite frustrated if you cannot communicate what you want or need…or rather, if we don’t understand what you are trying so very hard to communicate. You know, and use a few signs. But, you would rather talk. I love seeing your vocabulary expand exponentially on an almost daily basis! You repeat difficult words as though you’ve been saying them forever. You shock us with complete, complex sentences. And, you definitely don’t “do” baby talk.

No. You are not a baby anymore. Yes, the days are long, and your energy certainly exceeds my own! But, my goodness these days go by so very fast. I absolutely love this stage…watching you as you learn, and explore, and change so quickly.

I pray that as you continue to grow and learn this year, that our Lord would draw your little heart to Himself. I pray that one day, your contagious joy would come from Him. And that you would love Him more than anything else.

Happy Birthday, my baby girl. I am so thankful for the sweet gift that the Lord gave our family in you. I love you.