Okay. I’ll admit it. I’m a “peeker.” I like that I can find out baby’s gender before he or she is born. I like using pronouns other than “it” to describe my child. Plus, I like to plan.
I know that “gender reveal” parties are quite popular right now. But, just like waiting until baby is born to find out if we have a boy or a girl would make me crazy, I don’t think I could stand not knowing my baby’s gender – even for a short time - while other people know.
At the same time, I do kind of get the appeal. It has been fun to come up with creative ways to announce what baby is to the big siblings. So, we do our own version of a gender reveal party.
When we found out Titus was a boy, we went to Target and bought some blue onesies for Hannah to open up. I guess we made it a tradition by buying some pink jammies after Rebekah’s ultrasound.
Today was our “big” ultrasound! Of course, our first priority was to make sure that baby was healthy and developing normally.

After the appointment, we headed home to tell the big brother and big sisters the news!

It was so fun to watch the news sink in after they opened the bag!

Yes, it looks like Titus is still outnumbered. It’s a GIRL!!!

Our little girl is growing, and developing right on track. But, during the ultrasound, it was discovered that I have a slight placenta previa. I am not overly concerned, as I had a “low lying” placenta with Titus, and placenta previa with Rebekah. In both cases, the placenta moved as baby grew, and my doctor seems confident that is what will happen this time as well. But, I would appreciate your prayers to that end. If things don’t change, we will be looking at a C-section, which, Lord-willing, I would prefer to avoid.