Homeschooling, Life, Mommyhood

Back to Blogging

I don’t know what it is about summer.  But, I just cannot seem to keep up with any sort of regular blog schedule in the summer months.  At least this summer I have a good excuse!


By now, you have probably seen our BIG news.  Thankfully, I have not had to deal with any real “morning sickness.”  Don’t throw things – I get migraines!  But, all in all, it hasn’t been bad…aside from being utterly exhausted, I’ve felt pretty good on most days.  I am thankful to be nearing the end of my first trimester, and hopefully saying goodbye to some of that first trimester fatigue.  I am looking forward to having a little more energy during the day, and getting more done than the absolute bare minimum.  My housekeeping and cooking have been severely neglected, and I’m looking forward to getting back to a somewhat normal schedule, and getting things back in order around here!


And, yes, that includes this little ol’ blog!  If anyone is actually still out there reading, that is.  I do have a few posts and ideas for the next few weeks…including a couple of giveaways!  So stay tuned!




Next week (How is it August already?? How??) is the start of Heart of the Matter’s third annual {Not} Back-To-School Blog Hop!  I am kind of a nerd when it comes to all things homeschool – philosophy of education, methodology, lesson planning, curriculum…So. Much. Fun. (We already established that I’m a nerd, okay?)  And, even if we are doing things totally differently, I love to see what other families are doing, or planning, for their school year!  If you are homeschooling next year, please consider linking up and sharing your plans and ideas!!



  • First week: Share your curriculum plans! Link up on Monday 8/1/11!
  • Second week: Show off your school room!! (This can be a dedicated space, or what you’ve made work. Post photos, storage ideas, comfy chairs.) Link up on 8/8/11!
  • Third week: Share your {not} back-to-school pictures. Link up on the 8/15/11.
  • Fourth week: A day in the life. Share a typical (or not so typical) day in the life of your homeschool. Link up on 8/22/11.


If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I missed out on my favorite part of last year’s hop: Curriculum Week. So I am excited to have found out about this years hop in plenty of time to participate!  I hope you’ll consider linking up and joining in the fun too!!


  1. Amy

    Glad to know things are going well with the pregnancy. I was wondersing today as well if anyone is still out there reading my blog. We are going to homeschool but right now ours are still little, though we did just reorgainze so now my dining room looks like a pre-school room. I may have to share.

  2. Hey sweetie,
    long time so see!!! I am so excited for you. Congrats on the new baby. Such a wonderful blessing. I am now subscribed so I wont miss a thing!!!

  3. Kelly

    I’m so glad your little blessing is going well for the most part!! I have been waiting for an email for an update of any kind. Looking forward to more posts from you, and I hope you are able to get your housework back in order.

  4. oh boy, thanks for the reminder, I’m looking forward to the hop!

    hope you feel better and have more energy soon!

  5. Congratulations! I’ve had a hard time finding time to blog this summer too. Today is our first day of school so I hope to be in more of a routine from now on.

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