Hannah Elisabeth, Photography, Wordless Wednesdays

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday


Okay, I know, it is supposed to be Wordless Wednesday. But, hi, have you met me?!  Although, considering that I am on (self-inflicted) vocal rest, the wordless part is ironically fitting!  (Yeah, try not speaking while still trying to teach math and reading lessons…can you say “Not happening?”)  For the past 5 days, I believe the majority of my nutrition has come in the form of cough drops, Chloraseptic, and Tylenol.  Everything else, at this point, tastes like cough drops anyway…although it feels more like little shards of glass…


So, I hope these flowers will brighten your day…I know they brightened mine…  Or, maybe that was the little hand holding them…

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Veronica, Veronica. Veronica said: New at A Quiet Heart:: Wordless Wednesday: Fistful of Flowers http://www.aquietheart.com/?p=3510 […]

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