The Lord's Day, Thinking Biblically

Testing the State of Our Souls

“…most have no heart for God’s service.  They have no delight in God’s presence or God’s day. ‘The carnal mind is enmity against God.’  The moment a man’s heart is converted, these pretended difficulties about attending public worship vanish away.  The new heart finds no trouble in keeping the Sabbath holy.  Where there is a will there is always a way.


Let us never forget that our feelings about Sundays are sure tests of the state of our souls.  The man who can find no pleasure in giving God one day in the week, is manifestly unfit for heaven.  Heaven itself is nothing but an eternal Sabbath.  If we cannot enjoy a few hours in God’s service once a week in this world, it is plain that we could not enjoy an eternity in His service in the world to come.”


~J.C. Ryle (Expository Thoughts on Luke – vol. 2, pg. 120)