“…most have no heart for God’s service.  They have no delight in God’s presence or God’s day. ‘The carnal mind is enmity against God.’  The moment a man’s heart is converted, these pretended difficulties about attending public worship vanish away.  The new heart finds no trouble in keeping the Sabbath holy.  Where there is a will there is always a way.
Let us never forget that our feelings about Sundays are sure tests of the state of our souls. Â The man who can find no pleasure in giving God one day in the week, is manifestly unfit for heaven. Â Heaven itself is nothing but an eternal Sabbath. Â If we cannot enjoy a few hours in God’s service once a week in this world, it is plain that we could not enjoy an eternity in His service in the world to come.”
~J.C. Ryle (Expository Thoughts on Luke – vol. 2, pg. 120)