Hannah Elisabeth

More Hannah-isms

Hannah (3-26-07)


Here are a few more of Hannah’s cute quotes…for your enjoyment…

  • Oh, I sorry!  She is very good about apologizing for things…especially if she did not do anything wrong!  Of course, we’re still working on “I’m sorry” when she has been disobedient…
  • Thank you very much!!  Yes, she is a very polite girl…She is very thankful for everything. 
  • Oh, hi Mickey!  I don’t know when children start having “imaginary friends,” but I think Hannah has a few…Mickey, Donald, Minnie, Goofy, Daisy and Pluto.  They “appear” when mommy is busy in the kitchen, or folding laundry, and Hannah needs a playmate.  Sometimes they call her on the phone, and they have extensive conversations.  Other times, they seem to be in the house, helping her build her lego castles for “Cia-rella” (that would be Cinderella).  Tootles usually comes into the game at some point (see my last post for an explanation of who “Tootles” is) as well.
  • “I carry you?”  The rough translation:  “Carry me?”  She uses this whenever she wants to be carried, or held.  (In that case it turns into “I hold you?”)
  • Hannah, how old are you going to be on your birthday (April 4th!)? “2 months!”
  • Her new favorite question is “Mommy, what’s that?”  The answer is almost always something she recognizes – our cats, a car, flowers, a dog…So, in order to put an end to some of these marathon sessions, I’ll point to her and ask “What’s that?”  She usually smiles, and responds with “This Hannah.  I’m me!”