
Florence Nightengale

I was not cut out to be a nurse (or a doctor, for that matter).  I am very thankful that there are people who are called, and willing, and (for some strange reason, unbeknownst to me) actually desire to go into the nursing profession.  I am not one of them. 

I do not handle sick people very well.  They scare me.  Oh, I feel bad for them (most of the time), but, my sympathies stop there.  It is usually overwhelmed by an extreme desire to leave them alone.  Part of my reasoning is admittedly selfish – I don’t want whatever they may have.  But, to be fair, the same standard applies when I am the one in the sickbed.  I don’t want people talking to me, touching me…just leave me alone in a dark room, and let me sleep until I feel better, thank you very much. 

Mercy has never been one of my strengths.  We kind of joke that it is a hereditary trait in my family, as it is not one of my mom’s greatest strengths either.  (Sorry, Mom!  She has other strengths!)  Even so, I know that isn’t an excuse.  This is something that I need to work on. Of course, the Lord knows that, and is giving me lots of practice these days. 

Hannah seems to have recovered from her nasty stomach bug…And, not a moment too soon!  Jason came home from work an hour early yesterday.  Normally, I’d be thrilled to have him around for an extra hour!  But, he walked in the front door looking awful, and announced that he had caught Hannah’s bug.  He’s been in bed (in our guest room!) since 3:00 yesterday afternoon.

So, the yuckiness continues…