Sitting…in my bedroom. Time to relax.
Drinking….water. Lots of water these days. It’s hot here.
Working on…a new directory for our church! The old one is a couple of years old, and we have new families, new marriages, and new babies. Actually, it has been a fun project to see how the Lord is growing our church family!
Grateful…for a good report from the doctor, and another glimpse of our sweet baby girl! At 20 weeks, I was told that I had a slight placenta previa. But, my doctor said not to worry as it would probably resolve itself. Praise the Lord, it has moved, and is no longer an issue. Baby girl is continuing to grow and develop “right on track.†She is (still) breech, so now we’re just praying that she will turn in the next few weeks!
Planning…a year’s worth of homeschool lessons…around the birth of a new baby. We are getting ready to start “next year†in the next week or so. (Not only are we doing school through the summer, we are starting our new school year in July!) And, at the same time, we are still trying to finish up a few remaining lessons from this year.
Reading…well, other than third grade homeschool curriculum…
Feminine Threads, by Diana Severance – A book written by a sweet lady in our church, tracing the history of women in Christianity.
Meet the Puritans, by Joel Beeke – What can I say? I love the Puritans.
One-to-One Bible Reading, by David Helm - A simple, straightforward guide on how to read the Bible with others…very interesting!
My Heart in His Hands, by Sharon James - A biography of Ann Judson of Burma. I originally read this in college, so this is a re-read, but still good.
Gospel Treason, by Brad Bigney – This was recommended by a sweet, wise friend, and I’m having a hard time putting it down.
Pondering….the content of the above books, and how to apply it all.
Looking at…this sweet face:

Hi from Kenya! BJ had a birthday right after Father’s Day too. His is June 24th. Glad baby is doing well! Wow! Starting school right around the birth of a baby. Way to go, Momma!
Thanks Jessi! 🙂 I’m hoping we can get a good head start on our year. I want to be able to just enjoy our girl when she comes! Thankfully, my daughter is excited, and more than willing to work hard to make it happen too! 🙂
I didn’t realize Diana Severance attended your church! Or if I did, I forgot. I really enjoyed Feminine Thread. Oh, and love baby’s picture. Isn’t technology amazing?
Yes! She does!! Don’t know if I’ve mentioned that here before… She and her husband are just the sweetest couple!!