It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
No, not Christmas…Back to school!!
Okay, so maybe that’s just me.
We adopted a year-round school schedule this year…which means that we have continued our studies through the summer months. (We took our “summer†in February!) But, even though we haven’t really taken any extended breaks this summer, I am always excited to see the start of a new school year on the horizon. I love shopping for new school supplies, re-organizing our school “room,†researching and purchasing curriculum, and creating the year’s lesson plans.
Unlike last year, we are not planning on making any drastic changes this year. We really enjoyed the Bob Jones curriculum, and, as the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke…â€
So, we are excited to continue on with BJU Press Homeschool for 2nd grade this year!

Even though I have known for several weeks – months actually – that we would be continuing on with the Bob Jones materials, I only purchased our curriculum this past Friday. I had every intention of purchasing it weeks ago, so that I would have time to plan out our year. But, somehow, I kept missing the special sales and free shipping that was offered over the summer.
But, that turned out to be a providential “mistake.â€
Our area’s homeschool convention was coming up, and I knew that I could get free shipping if I ordered our materials at the convention. But, because we were involved in the wedding of a sweet friend that weekend, I really wasn’t planning on going to the convention. I thought it might be a little too much to cram into one weekend!
Then, I discovered that I could get a one day “shopping pass,†making the whole idea seem slightly less crazy. So, I waited. But, the night before the convention, as I was getting my shopping list ready, I noticed that BJU Press was offering a 10% discount for that weekend – starting the next morning.  And, again, I almost decided to just skip the convention, and to just order online. While free shipping was great, 10% was better. And, I really didn’t think they would offer both deals.
But, my husband, wise man that he is, insisted that I go. He reasoned I would still have fun, and I could always order online later that day if I needed to. I am so thankful he insisted…
Because, I ended up getting the 10% off PLUS free shipping!! Yay for saving money!
And I wasn’t even going to go…
I ordered our curriculum within minutes of arriving, and then Titus and I had a great time wandering through all of the booths… We looked at DVD art lessons, met Dr. Jobe Martin of Biblical Discipleship Ministries (I promise there will be a post coming about this!!), learned about a Skype-based Spanish Curriculum with native Spanish-speakers from Guatemala (a seriously great idea!), found a few “fun†math manipulatives, and, even though college is still several years away, talked with the representative from The Master’s College Online! (I always love seeing my alma mater represented!)
So, yes, probably needless to say, I had fun. Titus seemed to have a good time too. He did amazingly well, and charmed everyone we met!  And, Hannah and I are ready for a new school year!! Well…almost. We’ve just got to get those books delivered!! She is just as excited as I am for them to arrive!!
Oh, did I just hear the UPS truck?!?