What's On Your Nightstand?

What’s On Your Nightstand? {April}

It is, once again, time for “What’s On Your Nightstand?” over at 5 Minutes for Books

All of these are still in the “to be read” category.

Did I ever show you what my sweet husband brought me from his trip to the Shepherds’ Conference last month?

J.C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on John! All. Three. Volumes. I can’t wait to jump in. (Yes, he got them over a month ago, and I’ve yet to crack the spine on any of them. However, I think I have a pretty cute excuse.)

And, joining J.C. Ryle…

Why We’re Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be), by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck – A Christmas present from my sweet husband. Yes, he knows my love language. Oh, books isn’t an “official” love language? Well, it is in this house!

Worship: The Ultimate Priority, by John MacArthur – My husband is currently reading the copy he received at the Shepherds’ Conference, and keeps telling me I need to read it. However, we don’t do too well sharing books, because, I am (overly) fond of my yellow highlighter, and he doesn’t like his books to glow in the dark. Thankfully, another copy recently appeared in our mailbox (courtesy of Grace to You, I believe).

Raising Real Men, by Hal and Melanie Young – This was sent to me by my new friend, Melanie, who is a mother of 6 boys (and 2 girls). Being brand new to the world of boys, I loved this quote from the back cover: “A practical guide to equipping the hearts and minds of boys without breaking or losing your own.”


  1. It’s a love language in this house too! 🙂

  2. That’s great that he gives you books.

    Here is my April 2012 Nightstand

  3. Some of our fondest memories of Shepherds’ Conference are the books… as well as the fellowship, the messages, and the In-N-Out Burgers! Last time my hubby attended (and I tagged along incognito) we brought an extra empty suitcase just for books… and still shipped some home. We’re the Jacksons and we have book issues.

    1. Suzanne,
      Yes, we have book issues too. 🙂 I was quite jealous of the In-N-Out…too bad he couldn’t bring that home in his suitcase!! 🙂

  4. Books aren’t a love language? Now that’s a shame.

    I’ve enjoyed every book I’ve read by DeYoung and Kluck (and now I’m trying to figure out if I’ve read Why We Aren’t Emergent…)

  5. Raising Real Men sounds like a good one! And your husband sounds like a good one too (though I’m with him on my books not glowing!).

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