Baby, Life, Mommyhood

Status Report {February 2012}

{I am stealing borrowing this from Lisa.}

Sitting… at my desk…that’s where the computer is!

Drinking… (decaf!) coffee…with a little bit of York Peppermint Patty-flavored creamer…Mmm.

Pretending… that my coffee is caffeinated, and hoping that helps me get through the rest of the afternoon with my eyes open!! (Sadly, I’m not that good at pretending.)

Looking… out the back windows on a day that can’t seem to decide if it wants to be rainy or sunny.  Seems to have settled somewhere in between…warm, cloudy, and 100% humidity.

Wondering… how it is even possible that it is already February… but at the same time…

Realizing… that the month in which we get to meet our son is finally here!!!

Cleaning…Anything and everything!! (Can you say “nesting?”)

Packing…my bag for the hospital!!! I’ve put it off for too long…

Crossing… the last few projects off of my “Things To Do Before Baby Comes” list…

Enjoying… these last few days of being the mommy of an only child…


Waiting… for this little one to arrive! His big sister was quite prompt…but, he seems pretty content with his current accommodations. So, I’m thinking we’ll be waiting a little bit longer!

1 Comment

  1. So exciting!!!

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