As a Christian woman, wife, mother, and homemaker, if I were to ask you to identify your priorities, what would that list look like?
What if then I asked you rearrange this list to accurately reflect how much time was spent on each of these priorities over the course of a given day…
Would there be a difference? Should there be?
Because, in the trenches of everyday life, the amount of time that we devote to each individual priority is not always directly proportionate to its position in a hierarchal list. In fact, as a mom with a young child, a home to care for, and a husband in full-time ministry, the amount of time that I actually give to each area can often seem rather disproportionate!
Today, I am over at Raising Homemakers, writing about Prioritizing Your Priorities.
I’d love for you to click on over…
Exactly what I’ve been wrestling with this past week…
I want to live for Him intentionally–so easy to get sidetracked by the immediate.
Thank you…heading the Homemakers to finish 🙂