The fourth installment in a series about what it means (or perhaps more accurately what it does not mean) when I say I am “raising a homemaker.” This particular post focuses on the need for “marketable skills.”
Resurrection Sunday
One Day
One day when Heaven was filled with His praises, One day when sin was as black as could be, Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin, Dwelt among men, my Example is He! . Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away; Rising, He justified freely forever; One day He’s coming—O …
Prioritizing Your Priorities
As a Christian woman, wife, mother, and homemaker, if I were to ask you to identify your priorities, what would that list look like? . What if then I asked you rearrange this list to accurately reflect how much time was spent on each of these priorities over the course of a given day… . Would there be a difference? …
Happy Birthday, Hannah!!
6 Years Old!! . This year we (once again) uprooted you from your home, and your friends. And yet, you handled it all with such joy and grace! You continue to look at life as an adventure waiting to be had, with new friends to be made around every corner! . Every year, I am more and more amazed by …