I’m just curious… . Why does it seem that Fundamentalism (or Fundamentalist) has become a “dirty word,” an insult of sorts, within many Christian circles? . (Some of you may have seen this question earlier on Facebook or Twitter, but the imposed character limit made it difficult to respond thoroughly and clearly.) . Perhaps it goes without saying, but please …
“I do it myself.”
“Mommy? Can I make my breakfast today?” . Well…okay. Do you need help? . “No. I want to do it by myself.” . . You  know…it was cute when she went through the “I do it myself” phase when she was 2. . But, now? . …now, it makes me just a little bit sad to think about how quickly …
And Can It Be
And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Savior’s blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain— For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? . He left His Father’s throne above So free, so infinite His grace— Emptied Himself of all …
Saturday Snapshots
I know.  The rest of the country is laughing at me right now…because this is not cold.  But, when you’re from California/Arizona, it is too cold!! . So, we have been enjoying snuggle time on the couch, cozy fires in the fireplace, and lots of hot chocolate!  Venturing out only long enough to snap a few pictures, before returning to the warmth of hearth …