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It is an odd little community, this online world that I visit each day. Blogging and social networking sites have both enlarged my experience of the universal Church, while at the same time making a big world much smaller. I have made a dear friends…met many kindred spirits…encouraged one another in the struggles of mommyhood…prayed for unsaved friends and family …
I believe that God has called me to love my family and my home, and to be a diligent, intentional, and skilled worker there. Â And, I want to raise my daughter to do the same. . Homemaker. Â While some may see this term as old fashioned, or even demeaning, I love it, and all that it conveys! Â Because, it means …
Giving Thanks
I hope to fill in a few of the gaps in the not-too-distant future… But for now…I have much to be thankful for! . ——— . An abundance of helping hands (slave labor) in the packing process Paper plates Bubble wrap . . Gingerbread houses Aunties . . Early Christmas celebrations Family Christmas Service . . Children’s Choirs A mother-in-law …