Welcome to A Quiet Heart! I am so glad you stopped by!Â
Although I have been in bloggy-land for a while, this is the first time I have participated in 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party!  I’ve never really been much of a “party†girl…so could we just pretend we are chatting over a cup of coffee (or, your beverage of choice…My coffee pot seems to be perpetually brewing. I am mildly um, make that severely addicted to the stuff!)?Â
Let’s get to know one another, shall we?
I am blessed to be a stay-at-home pastor’s wife and homeschooling mommy.
Sometimes, I find this rather amusing, because for as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a pastor’s wife. But, the same time, I also thought that homeschoolers were weird, and I always said that I would never “do that†to my children…
But, I believe that God has prepared me, and called me specifically to both.
My husband, Jason, currently serves as the Associate Pastor at our church. Although we have different versions of exactly when it happened, we met in college. And, this summer, we will celebrate 9 years of marriage!
Together we have one precious little girl, Hannah Elisabeth. She just turned 5 this past Sunday! And, I am constantly humbled at the amazing opportunity and responsibility to which the Lord has called me, as a mom – to teach, train, care for, play with, comfort, pray for, and love our daughter.
I take my role as a wife and mommy very seriously. And, while I love to share my daughter’s latest antics, accomplishments, and (thanks to my new toy) pictures, this is definitely not your (stereo)typical “mommyblog.â€Â I have very strong convictions – about many things (mommyhood included!). And, it is my hope and prayer that that you will be challenged to think biblically, encouraged in your calling as a woman, and strengthened in your walk with Christ by what you read here.
The title of my site is taken from a quote by my favorite author, Elisabeth Elliot:Â
“A quiet heart is content with what God gives. It is enough. All is grace.â€
And that is my desire. In the chaos and clamor of life, I want to have a quiet heart…One that is passionately obedient to God’s Word, and joyfully content in the roles, responsibilities, blessings, and trials that my Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give me… Because, truly, it is enough. All is grace.
There are several ways for you to stay connected, if you would like:
- Subscribe to A Quiet Heart by e-mail, or in your favorite reader.Â
- Follow me on Twitter (@AQuietHeart).
- or become a fan on Facebook.
- Or, if you prefer a more direct approach, e-mail me, using my contact form.
Thanks again for stopping by! Please be sure to leave a comment to introduce yourself, say hi, or just let me know you were here! And, please include a link to your blog so I can visit you as well!Â
And don’t forget to check out the amazing list of prizes at 5 Minutes for Mom. My top three picks would be:
32, or USC 3, or USC 15, or USC 32 – Target Gift Cards (We love Target!)
49 – $25 gift card to Starbucks (Yes please!)
52 – A $25 GC to Amazon.com. (In case you were wondering what I would buy – Books! Of course!)
Or, really, any of the other prizes appropriate for the mommy of a little girl.
***Edited to add…Due to a number of “suspicious” comments suddenly showing up on this post in the last day,  I am closing the comments..Â
 If you are legitimately here from the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party (I know it has taken me a while to get around to everyone!), this isn’t meant to be anti-social. I would still love to hear from and connect with you!! Please use my comment form, or comment on another post to let me know you stopped by. But, like most moms, my online time is limited, and I don’t really want it taken up by spammers. Thanks for understanding!!***
You sound like a wonderful friend waiting to be discovered! Loved your party post! I look forward to reading more from you!
So good to me you! You have a wonderful family.
Just thought I would stop by and say hi from the Ultimate Blog party!
Found you via the Ultimate Blog Party. I am a first-time participant as well. It’s nice to see how many family friendly blogs there are out here!
I hope you will stop by my blog as well.
Stopping by the party. I never thought I’d be a homeschooling mom either. Nor did I think I’d be a farm wife. God has an amazing amount of confidence in my adaptability I think.
Hi there.
Stopping by via the Ultimate Blog Party to say hello.
Have a great Friday!
Stopping by from UBP 10.. so happy to visit and wish you a Happy Party Day….
So glad I found you through #ubp10! I love to connect with other Christian Moms and its great how you are sharing your faith through your blog!
Hope you’ll stop by!
My name is Lisa and I am a mommy of 2 sweet blessings, and the teacher of 23 amazing 3rd graders. (I teach in the inner city.) I am all about capturing God’s beauty in creation with my camera, and hope someday to make it my retirement career. I am a follower of Christ, and am learning how to surrender every day … and sometimes every minute. I love to share insights with other bloggers. It is nice to meet you.
Hi! First time visitor from UBP. My husband and I also met in college – we can’t remember the day either. But we are also celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary this summer! Go us!
Misadventures Of Mom of 3
It’s so great to meet you! I love the name of your blog!
I am just stopping by to say “hi” from the UBP!! I noticed 2 things right away – I LOVE coffee and I’m an associate pastor’s wife!! Your blog is so cute and I can’t wait to get to know you better through it!! Have a great party week! =)
Hi, Veronica! I am really glad I found your blog. I enjoy reading Elisabeth Elliot as well. I’m going to subscribe! Looks like you post encouraging things here.
Hello from the UBP.
Looking forward to following you on bloglines. I am also a coffee drinking homeschool mom. Hope to get to know you better. Please stop by.
Nice to learn a little more about you! And…your hair is super cute short!
I am so glad that I stopped by. I love the quote in your header…it is beautiful and has such truth!!!! I will definitely visit often. Your blog is just so refreshing. Have a blessed week.
Checking out all the UBP posts from the blogs I subscribe to… have a GREAT week!
You have a really nice blog. I like the name of it. We need to have a quiet heart and be still and know God is God. The world gets too crazy and hectic sometimes!
I love your header and that quote. =) So nice to “Meet” you.. Adding you to Google Reader. =)
Just stopping by from the UBP at Five Minutes for Mom. You have a great site. I would love it if you visited my blog and left me a comment! I’m looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better.
The Healthy Moms
You know, I’ve imagined a quiet heart, but don’t know that I will ever have one. I think I imagine a quiet heart one way, but maybe I could have a quiet heart in the midst of all life’s craziness, ya think? I’m not really a quiet person, but secretly long to be. I’m also not very peaceful either. Sigh… I can picture it tho!
What a blessing that the Lord has put you in the position of a pastor’s wife. It isn’t an easy calling.
Bless your family,
Mimi @ Woven by Words
I just found you through a #FF, #homeschool post on twitter. It’s so cool to find another Christian, homeschooling, mommy of one from sunny AZ out here in the blog-O-sphere! I’m your newest twitter follower and will be adding your blog to my RSS reader.
Nice to meet ya!
What a great blog! Your daughter is gorgeous! Just visiting from UBP ’10, feel free to swing by our blog for some peanut butter pie and to enter our giveaway! I can’t wait to look around your blog some more. Have a great weekend!
~ Michelle @ FTSN
Hi, stopping by whilst on the UBP tour. We homeschool too and hope you will stop by sometime to visit. Have fun!
Stopping by from the UBP…
Looking forward to reading more of your blog…love the quote from Elisabeth Elliot.
So glad to connect with you, first on Twitter and now during UBP10!!
Check out my UBP post and giveaway – still not too late to enter to win a Seeds Family Worship CD! http://bit.ly/9ZGDZt
Hi Veronica! Thanks for stopping by my blog for the Ultimate Blog Party last week! We had a crazy week so I’m just now getting around to all the people who visited.
Thanks for the cup of coffee – I love sitting down with coffee and a friend. I am subscribing to your blog – what you share and the spirit with which you write is such an encouragement. So nice to meet you!
Joy (from Joy in This Journey: http://www.joyinthisjourney.com)