Just for Fun

Blizzard Bloghop 2010

Blizzard Bloghop 2010 hosted by Household 6 DivaWelcome to A Quiet Heart!  I’m so glad you stopped by.  My name is Veronica.  Please, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get to know each other…


Ann Marie, of Household 6 Diva, is hosting a Blizzard Bloghop.  Right now, the outside temperature is hovering around 65, and snow is definitely not in the forecast.  This is as much “winter” as we get in the Southwest!  But, I don’t need to be snowed in to to meet some new blog friends!  (Right?)  And, if you need a break from the snow, I am more than happy to share some Arizona sunshine!



About Me…
I was born into a Christian family.   Although my parents did not grow up in Christian homes, God saved them before I was born, and, they were committed to raising me, and my sister, according to biblical principles.  Through their faithful teaching and example, God graciously drew me to Himself at a young age.  I had a child’s understanding of the gospel, but, I repented of my sins, and professed Christ as my Lord and Savior.  What a blessing it has been to have practically my entire life to know, love, and serve my Savior!


I attended The Master’s College, where I earned my degree in Biblical Studies, with an emphasis in Christian Education.  The Lord used my time at college, and this course of study, to increase my passion for His Word, to strengthen my desire to share His Truth with others, and to shape my worldview.


About My Family…
Today, I am blessed to be a stay-at-home pastor’s wife and homeschooling mommy. 


My husband, Jason, currently serves as the Associate Pastor at our church.  Although we have different versions of exactly when it happenened, we met in college.  This past summer, we celebrated 8 years of marriage.  I am so thankful for a husband who loves the Lord, is a dilligent student of God’s Word, and works hard to support his family.  What a privilege to share life with my best friend! 


Together we have one precious little girl, Hannah Elisabeth.  I am humbled each day at the amazing opportunity and responsibility that the Lord has given me – to teach, train, care for, play with, comfort, pray for, and love our daughter.


About My Blog…
The title of my site is taken from a quote by my favorite author, Elisabeth Elliot. 

“A quiet heart is content with what God gives.  It is enough.  All is grace.”


Amidst the chaos of all that clamors for our attention, I am striving to have a quiet heart.  One that is passionately obedient to God’s Word, and content in the roles, responsibilities, blessings, and trials that my Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give me…


So, what do I write about?


It is my prayer that you will be challenged to think biblically and encouraged in your calling as a woman, and strengthened in your walk with Christ by what you read here. 


Thanks again for stopping by!  Please be sure to leave a comment so I can visit you as well!


If you would like to subscribe to A Quiet Heart, you can do so by e-mail, or in your favorite reader.  And, I can occasionally be found on Twitter and Facebook as well.


Don’t forget to visit Household 6 Diva and join the Blizzard Bloghop fun!


  1. Stopping by on the blog hop. So nice to ‘meet’ you! I’m a preacher’s wife and homeschool mom as well. Look forward to reading more here in the future!

  2. Hi. I’m here from the bloghop. Great to meet you.
    Lori Z

  3. Hi! Stopping in to say hi from the blog hop! I’m a homeschooling mama too. Please stop by if you get a chance. I also write a homeschooling blog with posts on homeschooling, reviews and freebies and that sort of thing. http://thehomeschooldesk.com

    Nice to meet you and your lovely family!

  4. I’m so glad you joined in on the fun! What a wonderful blend of information and Christian hospitality! I got lost for about 10 minutes and almost left before commenting! LOL!

    Thanks again for joining the Blizzard Bloghop!

  5. Hi it’s great to meet you! I’m Christy, a Christian, wife to Chad who’s a soldier in the Army. I homeschool, live in Germany, and we’re expecting our 5th child. I’m also a childhood cancer advocate, as our oldest daughter died when she was 2 from AML leukemia. Look forward to meeting you!

  6. Hi there!

    Nice to meet you. I know some people that went to Master’s College. I think most graduated between 2000-2004. Your daughter is so cute 🙂

    1. Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by!
      I graduated from TMC in 2001. And then I worked at the college (in the Biblical Studies office) from 2003 until my daughter was born. 🙂 We may know some of the same people! 🙂

  7. Thanks for stopping by to comment, I didn’t realize when I was here earlier that you were @aquietheart til you mentioned it in your comment. So glad to find your blog. I’m subscribing to your blog now! I have a homeschool blog too: http:/thehomeschooldesk.com

    Great to find you, again! 🙂

  8. Your blog is wonderful! I look forward to diving in to your posts.
    It’s nice to meet you!

  9. I love the name of your blog and your daughter is precious! Plan to visit again; I’m your newest follower on Twitter!

  10. Kristie

    It was a blessings to find your blog.


  11. Hi. Stopping by from Bloghop. It is nice to meet you.

  12. I am visiting from the blog hop. I am honored to meet you and your family and I look forward to your posts. Being a new Christian, I think I can learn a lot from you. Have a blessed day!

  13. […] Veronica at A Quiet Heart is our halfway mark, today.  We are greeted with the quotation, “A quiet heart is content with what God gives. It is enough. All is grace.”  I just want to say that I LOVE this blog. This is her sidebar information about herself: I am blessed to be a [homemaker,] pastor’s wife and homeschooling mommy of one. In a chaotic world, where so many things clamor for attention, I am seeking to have A Quiet Heart… One that is passionately obedient to God’s Word, and content in the roles, responsibilities, blessings, and trials that my Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give me… What a neat neat lady. I am so looking forward to digging in deeper to the bible studies she offers, her homemaking posts, and her Biblical views of things worldly. Her life happens post sounded reminiscent of a post of mine. I will definitely be back to this blog – regularly. Veronica is someone with whom I would love to just take a quiet moment and share a cup of coffee. […]

  14. It’s nice to “meet” you. I’ve been doing a “Blissdom Bloghop” summary and showcased your blog today. I’m sorry it’s taken so long – there were so many participants! http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2010/02/blizzard-bloghop-tour-7/


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