Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood


It has been a bit of a tough week around here!  Hannah started things off on Tuesday with a very red (or, maybe I should say pink?) eye.  I had a sneaking suspicion that she had been exposed to pink eye, so I wasn’t surprised.  But, we decided to watch her to see if it got worse.  Well, it didn’t really get worse, but it didn’t get any better, either.  So, on Wednesday morning, I made the (very unpopular) decision that she would not be leaving the house.  Did I mention that Wednesday is Cubbies.  Yeah.  She was not too happy about that. 🙁


But, it turned out to be a smart move, because on Wednesday afternoon, I got hit with a nasty little cold.  It came on slowly…a scratchy throat, a few body aches…  But, by 6:30, I was in bed with a raging sore throat and a fever.


When Thursday morning rolled around, Hannah’s eye was still red.  So, I called her doctor to try and get an appointment to have it checked out.  But, we couldn’t get her in.  After lunch, she started breaking out in an itchy, red rash.  It started as one small spot on her cheek/jaw…and proceeded to jump around to her chest, her tummy, her arms, legs.  We had an incident very similar to this last year, which we finally concluded was the result of an allergy to the pollen of some trees (that happen to be everywhere) here.  But, she hadn’t been outside in 3 days!  The itchy, red patches would show up, swell, and then disappear, only to reappear a few moments later on some other part of her body!  She was miserable.  We had tried a bath, a cold compress, baby eczema lotion, and other than dosing her with Benadryl (which according to the nurse I spoke with, was a completely unacceptable option), I was at a loss.  So, off to Urgent Care.  (I probably should have had them look at my throat while we were there, but I didn’t think about that until after we were in the car heading home.  Oops.) 


The doctor promptly diagnosed her with pink eye (surprise, surprise!), and wrote us a prescription for eye drops.  And, after all the grief I gave my parents when I had pink eye at Hannah’s age, I was expecting big time payback…or at the very least, a major battle just to get these drops anywhere near her face…let alone actually in the offending eye!  But, no.  She laid perfectly still, blinked the drops into her eye, and giggled the entire time.  Crazy girl!  But, thankfully, the drops have been helping, and her eye is almost back to normal!! 


The rash…well, according to the doctor, it is an allergic reaction…to…”something.”  The doctor did recommended Benadryl, and a few different soaps and topical creams, to help relieve the itching.  Unfortunately, it hasn’t solved the problem.  And, we still don’t really know what is causing the problem…  But, Hannah continues to have a cheerful attitude!  And, even though she is still blotchy and itchy (when the medicine wears off), it is hard  to tell that anything is wrong.


Mommy on the other hand… I’m still not feeling so great.  It is hard enough to be sick and still be Mommy at the same time.  But, when something is wrong with my little girl, and I can’t do much of anything to make her feel better…well, it has been a rough couple of days!!  But, I could definitely learn something from my sweet girl’s example and her great attitude through all of this!!  I have the best kid, ever!!


On a bit of a brighter note… The mailman delivered a special package today!  Actually, the mailman just left it the mailbox, and it was hand-delivered to me by this cute little messenger! 


What was in the package?


Yay!  Books!!  Dug Down Deep, by Joshua Harris – which I have been looking forward to reading since he first announced he was writing it!  Then, late last year I read the first chapter online, and I was hooked.  I can’t wait to…well, to finish it.  The other book is You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes, by Lisa McKay.  This was a more recent addition to my wish list, after I discovered Lisa’s blog (The Preacher’s Wife).  But, I am excited to jump in to this one as well, and add them to the stack on my nightstand.


So, although it looks like we may be in quarantine for a little while longer, things are starting to look up.  And, hey, at least I’ve got some great reading material to help get me through it!! 🙂

1 Comment

  1. So sorry you are both sick, but glad that you have a little girl with such an amazing attitude! We can all take a few pages from her book! 🙂 I hope they figure out what it is that is making Hannah all itchy. Allergies can be miserable! 🙁

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