Traditions & Celebrations

This Is How We Christmas: “Decorations”

Last week, the theme for Lisa’s blog party was “Quirky Traditions.”  The sad part was, none of my traditions were reallyall that quirky.  Anything I thought of that might be considered “quirky,” had more to do with my décor (if you can really even call it that).  So, even though this week’s theme is actually “Decorations,” this is probably where you’ll get …

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Stuffed French Toast

I don’t really consider myself a “good” cook…You know, the kind of person who can just whip up something tasty at a moment’s notice with only the most basic ingredients…  Oh, I can read a recipe, and (usually) get a decent meal on the table, but gourmet, it is not!  So I never intended for this to become a recipe blog!  But, since …

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Recipes, Traditions & Celebrations

Pumpkin-Gingerbread Waffles & Apple Cider Syrup

I have gotten a few requests for my recipe for Pumpkin-Gingerbread waffles since posting about our Quirky Christmas Traditions.  So, here you go!  I am no Pioneer Woman, so all you get is the recipe…no pretty, step-by-step pictures.  But, it is simple enough…and if you follow the directions, I promise you, it will be yummy!   The waffle recipe, I adapted from a Rachel Ray recipe.  And, …

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