Hannah Elisabeth

Hannah’s New Do


While we were on vacation, we took Hannah to see Leona (who has been cutting my and my mom’s hair for years).  In (over) 4 years, Hannah has only had one tiny trim.  So, this one was a big deal!  Hannah desperately wants lo-o-o-ong (we’re talking touching-the-floor long) hair, so she was not exactly thrilled with the idea of short(er) hair… 


But, she still has baby-fine hair, which, was breaking when it was put up, and starting to look pretty scraggly when it was left down.  So, we explained that getting it cut – uh, I mean trimmed – would help her hair grow longer, because it would be stronger.  That seemed to make sense to her, and she gradually got more excited about getting a new hairstyle…until the process began…



Getting her hair washed was a completely new experience for her!  And, I think she was a little confused at how it was supposed to work without a bathtub!  Add that to the fact that she hates getting water in her face/eyes, and I was starting to think this could be a problem.  But, she survived…without getting any water or shampoo in her eyes. 😉






She only looked slightly less concerned as she hopped into Leona’s chair.  But, when Leona asked how short we wanted to go, Hannah piped up, “I want it to my shoulders!” before I could even say a word!  (Can you tell we had been trying to prepare her?)  Despite that semi-excited response, the super-serious expression returned very quickly, and stayed put throughout the cutting (almost 4 inches!!) and blow-drying!






I was kind of surprised when it was all done…we had a very happy girl…with a very grown-up new look!!


After - So Cute!!
“After” – So Cute!!


  1. Margaret

    How cute!!! That’s an adorable shot of her getting her hair washed. 🙂 And the finished result looks great! I’m glad she liked it even if she had to get a cut. Looks like you have a little ‘girly girl’. 🙂

    So this is my last week before school starts (yikes!)… do you still want to try getting together, or save it for when it’s cooler? If you’ve got some time this week, would you want to try meeting for lunch and a visit? It would probably be best to find a mall or restaurant since parks are kind of unbearable right now. Madeleine’s still very portable, so let me know what might be best for you and Hannah! 🙂

  2. Barbara Thompson

    She’d look beautiful bald (just like her grandpa!). Miss you!

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