Yestderday was cold, gray, and rainy.  Perfect weather for curling up with a cup of hot apple cider and a good book. It also put me in the mood to bake…something I do not pretend to be an expert at, and really, don’t do too often (except the box-mix brownies for the Guy’s Bible Study).  But, since we were signed-up to bring “snacks†to Sunday School this morning, …
Biblical Modesty In A Modern World
I was doing some online “window shopping†the other day…Not really with an intent to buy, I just wanted to see what was out there for fall.   Recently, each morning has started out with Hannah trying as many of last year’s fall/winter clothes as she can tolerate in one sitting, trying to determine what, if anything, is still workable, …
Happy Birthday Jo!
Happy Birthday to my little sister…Of course, she’s probably better known as “Auntie Joâ€
Summer Challenge: The End
So, summer is coming to an end – though not quite quickly enough where the weather is concerned! But, cooler temperatures and falling leaves may still be months away, so this is probably as good a time as any to give some final thoughts on my Summer Challenge. On June 8th, I began reading in Genesis 1, with the goal …