Hannah Elisabeth

More Hannah-isms

  Here are a few more of Hannah’s cute quotes…for your enjoyment… Oh, I sorry!  She is very good about apologizing for things…especially if she did not do anything wrong!  Of course, we’re still working on “I’m sorry” when she has been disobedient… Thank you very much!!  Yes, she is a very polite girl…She is very thankful for everything.  Oh, …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Life, Mommyhood


Every other Thursday night, Jason has his guys’ Bible study group, which meets at our house.  So I typically spend Hannah’s naptime trying to get the house in order, dinner ready, and dessert prepared.  And, typically, I am able to get it all done.  But… Hannah decided she just was not sleepy.  This happens occasionally, but since she is still a …

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Tea & Sympathy

Do you remember that scene in “You’ve Got Mail” where Meg Ryan’s character is sick?  And, when Tom Hanks (Joe Fox) comes to visit, she is scrambling around the apartment picking up handfuls of discarded tissues…That is a very accurate (though rather disgusting) depiction of this past week in our home.  Tuesday morning…or more accurately, somewhere in the dark hours …

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