This was my first full week back at “work.â€Â
It isn’t as much of a lifestyle change as it may sound. I am working in the nursery at church 2 days a week, during some of the women’s ministries. It doesn’t pay much, but it helps. And, it works within the limited options that I had to choose from.
First, and most importantly, I get to be with Hannah. That has always been my main criteria for “going back to work.â€Â I knew that if I did choose to re-enter the working world, it would have to be a job that would allow me to not only bring a one-year-old along, but also allow me to be with her. I did not want to go back to a job that would require me to leave my little girl with someone else. It is my privilege and responsibility to care for her…and she’s growing up so fast! I don’t want to miss a moment of it!Â
On a more selfish level, I am hoping that this will also help Hannah become a little more open-minded about the nursery. She definitely takes after her mama in this area! When I was her age, I would begin screaming “No church!†around the time we hit the freeway off-ramp, and didn’t stop until church was over! (We went to Grace Community Church at the time, so this was a good 5 hours of screaming!) I’m sure it was at this point that my mother cursed me…You know, the “One day, you’ll have a child just like you!†curse. Well, it is payback time! My sweet, friendly little daughter absolutely loses it as we approach the nursery room on Sundays… I don’t remember the last time I was able to sit through an entire church service! I can listen to the sermons online, which is nice, but it’s not quite the same. So, I’m hoping that being there on a regular basis, and letting her get to know some of the kids will help when Sunday rolls around. At least then, maybe it won’t seem like such a foreign place to her.Â
I am only slightly worried that my little scheme might backfire on me….
I know she will eventually outgrow this. I did…actually, I think I got it spanked out of me! However it happened, I truly enjoy going to church now…and I don’t mind the nursery anymore either!